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Why Is Art Important?

Imagine a world without art. No dystopian sci-fi would even come close to the barren and soulless society it would be. We often take for granted the role of culture in human history. No civilization is fully developed without artists at the forefront of it and their work as its crucial component. They depict, but also constantly question, the world around us, challenging both our mind and our senses, A world void of artistic work it is destined to stand still, never able to fully understand the nature of itself. Through the work of painters, composers, and writers, the community manages to preserve its spiritual values in the increasingly material and tech-obsessed environment. Therefore, we cannot overestimate the importance of art has in our lives since the moment we're born. It plays a pivotal role in our development, growth, and self-realization as individuals and as a part of society.

Imagine a world without art. No dystopian sci-fi would even come close to the barren and soulless society it would be. We often take for granted the role of culture in human history. No civilization is fully developed without artists at the forefront of it and their work as its crucial component. They depict, but also constantly question, the world around us, challenging both our mind and our senses, A world void of artistic work it is destined to stand still, never able to fully understand the nature of itself. Through the work of painters, composers, and writers, the community manages to preserve its spiritual values in the increasingly material and tech-obsessed environment. Therefore, we cannot overestimate the importance of art has in our lives since the moment we're born. It plays a pivotal role in our development, growth, and self-realization as individuals and as a part of society.

The Importance of Art in Child Development

Lately, the school curriculum has been heavily gravitating towards science, math and informational technologies, usually at the expense of arts and crafts. This is done to better prepare children for further education and future employment. But, numerous research papers from established scholars seem to point otherwise

There's no substitute for arts in child development, at the earliest age and throughout their process of maturing. Art can equip kids with the necessary tools needed in their life. Even in the infant stage, It helps develop attention, motor skills and motivation for further exploration of the world. Children that are exposed to some sort of artistic work grow to be much more inventive and creative. Plain painting with crayons of fingers enables them to expand their imagination and allows them to communicate emotions and abstract concepts that they are not yet fully aware of. Small children still don't have a full grasp of conventional communication and language, and art can go beyond those limits, enabling them to express themselves. 

Further down the line, it improves social and cognitive growth and raises the cultural awareness of young people. By better understanding the world around them, they grow to be more emphatic, School kids come to a better understanding that there are a lot of people with beliefs different than their own. they learn that it is OK to have different points of view. Other parts of the curriculum usually ask for precise and definite answers. Here, no one answer is the correct of definite, it encourages the process of constant rethinking and reevaluation. Pupils learn how fun improvisation can be, which as they grow translates into real-life problem-solving skills. Kids who paint, sing or take part in school plays have fewer problems establishing self-esteem and more easily engage in social interactions.

The Place of Art in People's Lives

It's amazing how big a part art plays in our lives. And that's putting aside people who are professional artists. How many times have you glanced at a painting as you pass by or accidental heard a song, only for it to change your whole outlook and mood on that day? Whether you try to make your own, or simply enjoy the works of others, the influence it has on us is immeasurable. There's no better way to express oneself than through artistic process. It forces us to come out of comfort zone, to explore and reevaluate our life, mind, and relationships. Also, art allows us to share our experiences with other people, thus contributing to community bonding and togetherness. 

You can express yourself artistically even without talent or interest in engaging in a creative process. The decor of your home can tell a lot about your artistic leanings. Walking into someone's house, you can learn a lot about a person simply by observing paintings on the wall, books on the shelves or record collection. Our taste and preferences are shaped by years of exposure to music, cinematography or paintings, Moreover, it shapes as social beings and establishes our character. It's no coincidence that so many relationships have started with a mutual love of music, movies or theater.

Besides, art can be a powerful therapeutic tool. Arts therapy has been, for some time, recognized as a useful psycho-therapeutic method. Creative expression can improve mental health and help treat various disorders. It can include painting, drawing, sculpting, drama or music therapy. Even outside the therapist's office, it's useful when dealing with stress and anxieties.

Social and Political Importance of Art

Artists play an important role as documentarians and chroniclers of society, especially during difficult and testing times. We probably wouldn't know that much of big chunks of history, if there wasn't for artists. Due to the often critical point of view, the artistic works are often more reliable than the writings of the official historians of a certain period. 

Throughout history, artists have spearheaded political changes. Their constant critical rethinking of the world and interrogation of the current conditions has put them at the forefront of major revolutions. They can see the problems and face them head-on. That way, their works become a force for change. Maybe even more importantly, art is often a mechanism for people to communicate, especially in oppressed societies. Artists help people make sense of the world and change the discourse, often leading to the change in the whole political climate. The most powerful pieces of art gave courage to the people and made them feel that they are not alone in their struggle. It's no wonder that some of history's greatest artistic movements came after the darkest of times. Think of Renaissance rising out of dark medieval times of plague and religious bigotry.

In modern times, characterized by mass communication and fast and free flow of information, the most important role art serves is the one of being the bridge between people and cultures. In war-thorns areas of the world, such as the Balkans or the Middle East, artists are usually the first ones to re-establish connections between the nations. Even during wartime, artistic exchange rarely stops. 

Art can be crucial in healing wounds and return to normal life. It leads the world forward while maintaining a tie to the traditional values. A society without art is a cold, empty and lifeless place.

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